CHAPTER – 6 Staffing
It is necessary for every organization to appoint the right person to the right position. Workforce is the most important asset in an organization HR function is concerned with bringing the right and efficient people into the organization. “Employment consists of workforce planning, recruitment, selection, training, compensation, promotion and maintenance of managerial personnel.
The need and importance of personnel
Acquisition of Competent Personnel: Proper staffing helps in finding and acquiring competent personnel for various jobs.
High Performance: Proper staffing ensures higher performance by putting the right person on the right job.
Continuous Growth: Proper staffing ensures the continued survival and growth of the business through executive succession planning.
Optimum use of human resources: Prevents underutilization of personnel and high labor costs by avoiding overstaffing. It also prevents work disruptions by giving advance notice of staff shortages.
Improves job satisfaction: Improves job satisfaction and employee morale through objective evaluation and fair reward for their contribution.
Human Resource Management (HRM)
The function of human resource management is to provide the company with qualified human elements. Large companies therefore create a separate department called HRD. This department works under H.R. Managers.
Definition: Human resource management is the recruitment, selection, development, utilization, compensation and motivation of an organization's human resources.
Staffing as part of human resources management
Human Resource Management
Staffing includes
Estimating manpower requirements
Location and orientation
Performance evaluation
Rewarding employees.
Human Resource Mgt
Maintaining labor relations and relations with union management.
Dealing with complaints and grievances
Ensuring social security and social security of employees.
Defending the company in legal disputes.
Human resource management is a broader concept than staffing. Staffing is both a line and an employee activity because staffing is a function of management such as planning, organizing, directing and controlling and also a separate functional area of management (ie HRM) just like Marketing Mgt. and Finance Mgt.
Question 1 "It is the process of appointing the right person to the right position." Identify this management function and explain its importance. (5)
[Hint- Staffing; Importance; Competent staff, high performance, continuous growth, improves job satisfaction]
Manpower Requirements Estimate: Includes the following:
It means understanding how many people are needed and what type (ie skills required) in the organization.
Understanding workforce requirements requires –
Workload analysis: It would allow assessment of the number and types of human resources necessary to perform various jobs and meet the goals of the organization.
Workforce Analysis: Estimates the number and type of human resources available. It would reveal whether the organization is understaffed, overstaffed or optimally staffed. Neither a surplus nor a shortage of employees is desirable.
Recruitment: This is the identification of sources of labor availability and efforts to secure applicants for various job positions in the organization.
Selection: It is the process of selecting and appointing the right candidates for various positions in the organization through various examinations, tests and interviews.
Placement and Orientation: When a new employee reports for duty, he should be placed in the job for which he is best suited. Placement is a very important process as it can ensure the 'right person for the right job'.
Orientation/induction refers to the process of introducing a new employee to the organization. New employees are introduced to their departments, managers and co-workers. They must also be informed about working hours, procedure for taking leave, medical facilities, history and geography of the organization and rules/regulations regarding their wages etc.
Training and Development: Systematic training helps to increase the skills and knowledge of employees in performing their work through various methods.
Development includes the growth of an employee in all aspects. It is the process by which employees acquire the skills and competencies to perform their current jobs and increase their capabilities for higher jobs in the future.
Performance Appraisal: It deals with evaluating or evaluating the performance of employees. Employee transfers and promotions are based on performance evaluation.
Recruitment: Recruitment can be defined as the process of finding potential employees and stimulating them to apply for jobs in an organization.
Recruitment sources
Internal resources
External resources
Internal recruitment sources
Internal sources refer to inviting candidates from within the organization.
Here are the important sources of internal recruitment:-
Transfers: Involves moving an employee from one job to another, from one department to another, or from one shift to another.
Promotion: Refers to moving an employee to a higher position with greater responsibility, prestige, equipment and pay.
Lay-Off: The recall of temporary employees from work is called Lay-Off, who have been temporarily separated from the organization due to lack of work.
Advantages of Insourcing:-
Employees are motivated to improve their performance.
Internal recruitment also simplifies the selection and placement process.
No time wasted on employee training and development.
In-house staffing is cheaper.
Internal resource limitations
The scope for induction of new talent is limited.
The employee may be lethargic.
Competitiveness among employees may be impaired.
Frequent employee transfers can often reduce the productivity of an organization.
External sources of recruitment
When candidates from outside the organization are invited to fill a vacant position, it is called external recruitment. Common methods of outsourcing recruitment are:
Campus recruitment: Universities and institutes of management and technology have become popular sources of recruitment for technical, professional and managerial positions. Many large organizations maintain close ties with them to get skilled workers for various jobs.
Management Consultants and Placement Agencies: Management consultants assist organizations in recruiting technical, professional and management staff. They specialize in middle and top management positions. They maintain the data of people with different qualifications and skills. Employment agencies compile biodata
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