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12 Business studies Class Test Paper for Practice

 Chapter 1(Nature and Significance of Management)Sample Class test-1

Class 12

Subject: Business Studies

General Instructions:

Attempt all the Question in a Legible handwriting.

  1.  When can a consumer make an appeal in the Supreme Court under The Consumer Protection Act1986 1

  2. One of the rights suggests that a consumer be made aware of his rights and the remedies available. Identify the consumer right discussed. 1

  3. Why should a consumer look for ISI mark on electrical goods? 1

  4. A consumer has the freedom to choose from a variety of products at competitive prices. Which Right of consumer is followed here. 1

5.The marketers should offer a wide variety of products in terms of quality, brand, price, size etc. Ramya (a class X student) was in need of a geometry box. She went to the nearest shop and the shopkeeper showed her a variety of geometry boxes at different prices. She selected a box and paid Rs.300, the maximum retail price of the box, and took the cash memo for the same.

(i)  Name the consumer right exercised by Ramya.

(ii)  Name the values which are emphasized in the above case. 4

  1. Prakash purchased an ISI Mark electric induction stove from ‘Rama electricals. While using he found that it was not working properly. He approached the seller and complained for the same. The seller satisfies Prakash by saying that he will ask the manufacturer to replace this induction stove.

(i) Name the consumer right Prakash exercised in the above situation.

(ii) Name the value which is followed in the above case. 4

7. A vegetable vendor uses stones as weights to sell his vegetables in order to increase his profits. Many people purchased vegetables from him without any objection. Karan, a customer objects to this and with the help of local people forces the vendor to use correct weights. 

What values does Karan exhibit in his action? 4

8.Give any two responsibility of a consumer in addition to obtaining cash receipt 

while purchasing a washing machine. 4

9.Mayaram is a sweet maker (Halwai), who collects milk from village to village and prepares sweet on Deepawali, due to increased demands, he purchased Khoya from other shopkeeper which was adulterated, because it was not maintained cleanliness while preparation of sweets. He kept two children for packing the sweet and one female at cash counter. Which social values he is affecting and how? 5

Sample Class test -2

Class 12

Subject: Business Studies

General Instructions:

Attempt all the Question in a Legible handwriting.

  1.  When can a consumer make an appeal in the Supreme Court under The Consumer Protection Act1986 1

  2. One of the rights suggests that a consumer be made aware of his rights and the remedies available. Identify the consumer right discussed. 1

  3. Why should a consumer look for ISI mark on electrical goods? 1

  4. A consumer has the freedom to choose from a variety of products at competitive prices. Which Right of consumer is followed here. 1

5.The marketers should offer a wide variety of products in terms of quality, brand, price, size etc. Ramya (a class X student) was in need of a geometry box. She went to the nearest shop and the shopkeeper showed her a variety of geometry boxes at different prices. She selected a box and paid Rs.300, the maximum retail price of the box, and took the cash memo for the same.

(i)  Name the consumer right exercised by Ramya.

(ii)  Name the values which are emphasized in the above case. 4

  1. Prakash purchased an ISI Mark electric induction stove from ‘Rama electricals. While using he found that it was not working properly. He approached the seller and complained for the same. The seller satisfies Prakash by saying that he will ask the manufacturer to replace this induction stove.

(i) Name the consumer right Prakash exercised in the above situation.

(ii) Name the value which is followed in the above case. 4

7. A vegetable vendor uses stones as weights to sell his vegetables in order to increase his profits. Many people purchased vegetables from him without any objection. Karan, a customer objects to this and with the help of local people forces the vendor to use correct weights. 

What values does Karan exhibit in his action? 4

8.Give any two responsibility of a consumer in addition to obtaining cash receipt 

while purchasing a washing machine. 4

9.Mayaram is a sweet maker (Halwai), who collects milk from village to village and prepares sweet on Deepawali, due to increased demands, he purchased Khoya from other shopkeeper which was adulterated, because it was not maintained cleanliness while preparation of sweets. He kept two children for packing the sweet and one female at cash counter. Which social values he is affecting and how? 5

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