G-VPN9PR72FW 12 BUSINESS MANAGEMENT SAMPLE PAPER FOR PRACTICE - Online School Free Study Materials,CBSE Sample Paper,Assignment,University, Ielts,Exams paper for practice


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No. of Questions: 34                                                                                                                       Roll No.

Sample Paper




TIME: 03 HOURS                                                                                                                    M.M. :80


General Instructions:

·        Answers to questions carrying 1 mark may be from one word to one sentence.

·        Answers to questions carrying 3 marks may be from 50-75 words.

·        Answers to questions carrying 4-5 marks may be about 150 words.

·        Answers to questions carrying 6 marks may be about 200 words.

·        Marks of the questions are cited against them.

·        Read the question paper very carefully before attempting questions.


Q. No.

Multiple Choice Questions




“What distinguishes a successful manager from a less successful one is the ability to put the principles into practice.” Which aspect of the nature of management is highlighted in the above statement?

(a)   Management as a science

(b)  Management as an art

(c)   Management as a profession

(d)  Management is an intangible force.



“Changes or events cannot be eliminated but they can be anticipated and managerial responses to them can be developed.” is suggested by the following importance of planning:

(a)   Planning facilitates decision making

(b)  Planning promotes innovative ideas

(c)   Planning provides direction

(d)   Planning reduces the risks of uncertainty.



“The nature of the relationship of our country with foreign countries”, is a major element of which of the following components of the Business Environment?

(a)   Social Environment

(b)  Legal Environment

(c)   Political Environment

(d)  Economic Environment



Taylor believed that there was only one best method to maximize efficiency. This method can be developed through study and analysis. Identify the principle of Scientific management being discussed above:

(a)   Harmony not discord

(b)  Science not rule of thumb

(c)   Development of each and every person to his or her greatest efficiency and prosperity

(d)  Cooperation not individualism



Name the concept that refers to the number of subordinates that can be effectively managed by a superior and determines the number of levels of management in the organization.

(a)   Organization structure

(b)  Span of management

(c)   Hierarchy of authority

(d)   Delegation of Authority



Tarang Enterprises Limited is planning to increase its sales by 30% in the next quarter. Identify the feature of management being highlighted in the given statement.

(a)   Management is all pervasive

(b)  Management is a goal oriented process

(c)   Management is a continuous process

(d)   All of the above



Principles of management emphasize on logical and rational decision making rather than on the basis of bias and prejudice. The given statement highlights that the knowledge of principles of management leads to

(a)   Providing managers with useful insight into reality

(b)  Scientific decisions

(c)   Meeting changing environmental requirements

(d)   All of the above



Which principle of general management advocates that, “Employee turnover should be minimized to maintain organizational efficiency.”?

(a)   Stability of personnel

(b)  Remuneration of employees

(c)   Equity

(d)  Esprit De Corps



A business has to offer wider choice in purchasing enhanced quality of goods and services in order to maintain an edge over its competitors. The implementation of the new economic policy with Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization has posed various challenges for the corporate sector. One of the important challenges is explained in the above lines. Identify it.

(a)   Increasing competition

(b)  More demanding customers

(c)   Necessity for change

(d)  Market orientation



Planning requires logical and systematic thinking rather than guess work or wishful thinking. Identify the related feature of planning.

(a)   Planning is futuristic

(b)  Planning is a mental exercise

(c)   Planning establishes standards for controlling

(d)  Planning focuses on achieving objectives



It refers to the number of subordinates that can be effectively managed by a superior,

(a)   Organizational structure

(b)  Informal organization

(c)   Span of management

(d)  None of the above



Identify the type of organizational structure which makes training of employees easier, as the focus is only on a limited range of skills.

(a)   Network structure

(b)  Divisional structure

(c)   Functional structure

(d)   Matrix structure



Which of the following is not an external source of recruitment

(a)   Campus recruitment

(b)  Promotion

(c)   Casual callers

(d)   Direct recruitment



This analysis would enable an assessment of the number and types of human resources necessary for the performance of various jobs and accomplishment of organizational objectives.

(a)   Breakeven analysis

(b)  Workload analysis

(c)   Workforce analysis

(d)   All of the above



__ is the deliberate action of an organization for promoting goodwill between itself and the society.

(a)   Marketing mix

(b)  Advertising

(c)   Public relations

(d)  Selling




Identify the style of leadership in which the superior uses file forces from within the groups in order to establish control.

(a)   Autocratic leadership

(b)  Democratic leadership

(c)   Laissez-faire leadership

(d)  Authoritarian leadership



In which year did Consumer Protection Act come into existence?

(a)   1986

(b)  1999

(c)   1991

(d)   1976



__ is one of the redressal agencies for redressing consumer grievances.

(a)   COPRA

(b)  State Commission

(c)   Consumer Organization

(d)  None of these



On the successful completion of two years in a company, Harsh received a letter confirming his job as a permanent employee. Identify the need of Harsh being fulfilled as per Maslow’s Need Hierarchy Theory.

(a)   Esteem Needs

(b)  Security Needs

(c)   Social Needs

(d)  Self-Actualization Needs




It is a good source of filling the vacancies with employees from over staffed departments.

(a)   Transfer

(b)  Promotion

(c)   Placement agencies

(d)  Employment Exchange



Short Answer Type Questions



Distinguish between functional structure and divisional structure.



Enlist the advantages of packaging of consumer products.



Explain the steps involved in the process of Planning.




Leadership as an element of Directing? Enumerate any two styles of Leadership. 


Discuss Maslow’s need Hierarchy theory of motivation.




Long  Answer Type Questions



Taylor’s principles of scientific management and Fayol’s principles of management are mutually complementary.” Do you agree with this view? Give any four reasons in support of your answer.


Explain Functional Foremanship with a suitable example.



‘Sehaj bought Teak wood furniture for his drawing room from “Akshay Decors” of Kirti Nagar, Delhi for Rs. 4 lakhs. At the time of purchase the firm assured Sehaj about the best quality of the said furniture and gave2 years warranty starting that if anything goes wrong, the firm shall replace it with a new one or refund the purchase amount. But the dining table and chairs started developing cracks at various places and the polish’ became very dull within 30 days of purchase. Sehaj reported the matters to the firm and requested a number of times to replace the furniture. The firm neither paid attention to these requests nor replaced the furniture.

(a)   Identity the consumer rights which have been violated by the furniture manufacturer.

(b)  Where can Sehaj lodge complaint for this?

(c)   Mention the values which have been violated by the firm.


Reena purchased one litre of pure desi ghee from a shopkeeper. After using it, she had doubts that it was adulterated. She sent it for a laboratory test which confirmed that the ghee was adulterated. State any six reliefs available to Reena if she complains and the consumer court is satisfied about the genuineness of the complaint.



  Sanchit, after completing his entrepreneurship course from Sweden returned to India and start a coffee shop “Aroma Coffee Can’s in a famous mall in New Delhi. The speciality of the coffee ship was the special aroma of coffee and a wide variety of flavours to choose from. Somehow, the business was neither profitable nor popular. Sanchit was keen to find out the reason. He appointed Sandhya, an MBA from a reputed college, as a Manager to find out the causes for the same. Sandhya took feedback from the clients and found out that though they loved the special unique aroma of coffee but were not happy with the long waiting time being taken to process the order. She analysed & found out that there were many unnecessary in obstructions between which could be eliminated. She fixed a standard time for processing the order. She also realised that there were some flavours whose demand wasnot enough. So, she also decided to stop the sale of such flavours. As a result within a short period Sandhya was able to attract the customers.


Identify & explain any two techniques of scientific management used by Sandhya to solve the problem.                                                           




On 8th November, 2016 the Government of India announced the demonetisation making all Rs.500 and Rs. 1,000 banknotes of the Mahatma Gandhi Series invalid past midnight. The government claimed that the action would curtail the use of illicit and counterfeit cash to fund illegal activity and terrorism. The BSE SENSEX and NIFTY 50 stock indices fell over 6% on the day after the announcement. The decision was heavily criticised by members of the opposition parties, leading to debates in both houses of parliament and triggering organised protests against the government in several places across India. People seeking to exchange their bank notes had to stand in lengthy queues, and several deaths were linked to the inconveniences caused due to the rush to exchange cash. After demonetisation the demand for point of sales (POS) or card swipe machines has increased. E-payment options like Paytm has also seen a rise. In context of the above case: Identify & explain the various dimensions of business environment which relate to the above mentioned case.


List any through two values that the government seeks to promote through demonetisation.



Ramdas, aged 49 is working in an aviation company. He is the senior most employee in his division. He is even senior to the division manager, Kanaputti. Ramdas is considered one of the most committed, capable and hard-working employees. As a result of his abilities and seniority, he generally received the work assignments of his choice. Although there was no formal designation of various “special” projects assigned to Ramada‘s, he handled them as a matter of routine. A problem developed when an able and intelligent person Nagarjuna, aged 33, was appointed by Kanaputti. Nagarjun‘s previous three years‘ experience in the closely related work, made it possible for him to catch on to the routine work of his new job more rapidly than was customary for a new employee. On several occasions, Kanaputti noticed the tension developing between the two employees. However, he didn‘t want to get involved in their personal issues as long as the work was completed effectively and efficiently by them. One day, the tension between them reached the boiling point and Rumbas complained to Kanaputti stating that his duties were being largely taken over by Nagarjun. Kanaputti issued the order stating the clear allocation of the jobs and related duties between the two. He further clarified the working relationship between them by specifying who was to report to whom. This helped in reducing the workload, enhancing productivity and removing ambiguity.

1. Identify and state the step of organizing process which has not been carried out properly and contributed to this problem.

 2. State the two steps of the organizing process which have been taken by Kanaputti to respond to the complaint of Ramdas.

3. Also state two points of importance of organizing as reflected in the above case


Explain the Importance of Management.



Jaideep recently joined as the Managing Director of Tivori Ltd., an apparel designing company. He observed that the company had a number of experienced fashion designers on its payroll. They regularly offered useful suggestions which were neither appreciated nor rewarded by the company. Instead, the company outsourced its services to some renowned fashion designers and paid them a good compensation for their services. Because of this, the employees felt disheartened and stopped giving useful suggestions.

1. Identify the communication barrier discussed above.

2. State the category of this communication barrier.

3. Explain any other communication barriers of the same category.


Explain the barriers of effective communication.



Long Answer Type Questions



Nutan Tiffin Box service was started in Mumbai by the Mumbai Dabbawalas. The Dabbawalas who are the soul of entire Mumbai aim to provide prompt and efficient services by providing tasty home made tiffin to all office goers at the right time and place. Theservice is uninterrupted even on the days of bad weather, political unrest and social disturbances. Recently, they have started online booking system through their website ‗mydabbawala.com‘. Owing to their tremendous popularity amongst the happy and satisfied customers and members, the Dabbawalas were invited as guest lecturer by top business schools. The Dabbawalas operate in a group of 25-30 people along with a group leader. Each group teams up with other groups in order to deliver the tiffins on time. They are not transferred on 16 frequent basis as they have to remember the addresses of their customers. They follow certain rules while doing trade—no alcohol during working hours; no leaves without permission; wearing white caps and carrying ID cards during business hours. Recently, on the suggestion of a few self-motivated fellow men, the dabbawalas thought out and executed a plan of providing food left in tiffins by customers to slum children. They have instructed their customers to place red sticker if food is left in the tiffin, to be fed to poor children later.


State any one principle of management given by Fayol & one characteristic of management mentioned in the above case.


Give any two values which the Dabbawalas want to communicated to society.



In an interview with a leading news channel, Mr. Rakesh Kwatra, CEO of ‘Get My Job” has suggested that the Companies which want more and more people to apply for jobs in their organisation should make the process of applying for jobs easier and candidate friendly. It is for this reason, he said, that most progressive companies today have a short application process. He also said that the application form filled by the candidate is very important as it is the information supplied in the application forms, which helps the manager in eliminating unqualified or unfit job seekers. The company can create a mechanism that attempts to measure certain characteristics of individuals like aptitude, manual dexterity, and intelligence to personality. The candidate may then be called for an in-depth conversation to evaluate their suitability for the job.

(a)   Name the process and steps in the process of identifying and choosing the best person out of a number of prospective candidates for a job discussed above.

(b)   Also explain the next three steps in the process which can be subsequently performed by the company. 




ITC started its business with Jobaico industry, later on its entered in hotel industry, consumer goods industry, stationery, etc. ITC assured quality to customer and kept company‘s name as its identity. This helps the customers in product identification and hence ensure quality it also built up their confidence and help in increasing their level of satisfaction.

(i)    Name the element of marketing mix referred in above para.

(ii)  Name the other element of marketing mix.

(iii) Name the concept which assure quality and help in identification of product.


Explain the functions of Marketing .



Two years ago, Madhu completed her degree in food technology. She worked for sometime in a company that manufactured chutneys, pickles and murabbas. She was not happy in the company and decided to have her own organic food processing unit for the same. She set the objectives and the targets and formulated an action plan to achieve the same. One of her objectives was to earn 10% profit on the amount invested in the first year. It was decided that raw materials like fruits, vegetables, spices, etc. will be purchased on three months credit from farmers cultivating only organic crops. She also decided to follow the steps required for marketing of the products through her own outlets. She appointed Mohan as the Production Manager who decided the exact manner in which the production activities were to be carried out. Mohan also prepared a statement showing the number of workers that will be required in the factory throughout the year. Madhu informed Mohan about her area wise sales target for different products for the forthcoming quarter. While working on the production table, a penalty of? 100 per day for not wearing caps, gloves and apron was announced.

Quoting lines from the above paragraph identify and explain the different types of plans discussed.


Explain the Process of Planning.



*** all the best ***

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